International House,24 Holborn Viaduct, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 2BN
2024-05-06   Online   185 $

Preparing television and radio programs and reports

Course Overview:

Despite the spread of social networking sites such as Facebook and video sites such as YouTube, television and radio are still considered among the most important media and maintain a great influence on the audience, as they provide excellent content at the level of sound, image, movement and effects. They are also available continuously, but with the large number of channels, good preparation has become one of the most important factors for the success of programs.

Course Content:

The Global Union of Journalists and Media Persons offers a training course in preparing television and radio programs that includes the following topics: 1. Introduction to television and radio programs - Understand the importance of television and radio programs in modern media - Analysis of different types of television and radio programs 2. Preparing television programs - Developing the program idea - Writing the program script - Selecting the production and acting team - Filming and editing the program - Manage lighting and sound in the program 3. Preparing radio programs - Understanding the basics of radio and types of radio programs - Developing the idea of the radio program - Writing the script for the radio program - Recording and editing the radio program - Manage sound and sound effects in the program 4. Television and radio directing - Television and radio directing techniques - Organizing work in the television and radio studio - Dealing with cameras and audio equipment - Managing lighting and decoration in television and radio programs
5. Marketing and promotion of television and radio programs
- Marketing strategies for television and radio programs
- Using social media to promote programs
- Analyze the target audience and meet their needs


How attendees will benefit? After completion of the course, delegates will be able to:
- Understand the basic elements that make up the radio and television program.
- Learn about traditional and modern preparation methods for radio and television programs.
- Basic information that must be possessed by the producer and presenter of radio and television programs.
- Identifying work skills within radio and television work teams.

target groups:

Who should attend?
• Candidates to work in the preparation of radio and television programs.
• Personnel concerned with media programs.
• Those involved in the field of public relations and advertising campaigns.
• Getting acquainted with the process of implementing radio and television programs.

Join us in this special session by registering via the following link:

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For more information, you can view the Union's brochure, visit the Union's official website, or write to us via the links below:

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