International House,24 Holborn Viaduct, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 2BN

Accreditation of training centers

The accreditation process involves a thorough review of various aspects of the training center, including curriculum, instructional methods, facilities, resources, and student support services. The accrediting body assesses whether the training center meets the established standards and provides a high-quality educational experience. It is important for individuals seeking training to verify whether a training center is accredited by a recognized accrediting body before enrolling in any programs. The Global Union of Journalists and Media Persons, through its cooperation with international accreditation bodies, provides the opportunity to accredit training centers that provide training programs in the field of journalism and media, and to participate in the educational platform to obtain accreditation for training packages in this field.

Conditions of accreditation:

1. Training Packages: The training center's training packages should be relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with standards of journalism and media and best practices.
2. Instructors: The training center should employ qualified instructors who have the necessary expertise, experience, and educational qualifications to effectively deliver the training programs.
3. Facilities and resources: The training center should have adequate facilities, equipment, and resources to support effective teaching and learning. This may include classrooms, laboratories related to journalism and media (studios, sound and lighting control units, video cameras, etc.), in addition to libraries, computer labs, and other specialized facilities that help participants obtain appropriate references while attending training courses.
4. Participants support services: The training center should provide appropriate support services to help students succeed in their training programs. This may include academic advising, counseling services, career guidance, and access to learning resources.
5. Assessment: The training center should have a systematic process for assessing and evaluating student learning outcomes to ensure that students are acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills.
6. Continuous improvement: The training center should have mechanisms in place to regularly review and improve its programs and services based on feedback of interested parties and participants, including students and owners of institutions participating in the center’s programs in addition to journalism and media specialists.

Request for membership in training centers:
Advantages: (Basic - Gold) / (Normal - Professional)
Your membership in the Al-Ittihad Educational Platform is a message to your clients of your ability to provide training services efficiently and effectively , and to confirm that the center has an administrative system that complies with local and international standards for managing training institutions to ensure high-quality training outcomes, in addition to many advantages that you will enjoy. Depending on the type of registration you will select:
Advantage Standard Professional
Including the name of the training center in the directory of approved training centers.
Obtaining a training center accreditation certificate.
Use the logo of an accredited training center in accordance with the terms and conditions.
Nominate a trainer for accreditation from the center for free. 2 4
Approval of a training package To the center for free. 2 4
Discount on conference sponsorship fees. 25% 50%
Discount of fees for attending training programs for two individuals. 20% 40%
Approval of certificates with the Union’s logo in accordance with the terms and conditions.
A page dedicated to the center and its activities on the Union’s website for free.
Obtain articles, studies and reports in everything related to the field.
Providing opportunities to implement training courses through the Union’s educational platform.
Accreditation of the center’s trainers according to accreditation standards at a special discount. 20% 40%
Discount on the prices of training halls in various places at a reasonable price.
Providing certified trainers specialized in this field.
Discount for advertising on the International Federation of Journalists and Media Professionals website. 25% 50%
Discount for advertising on Al-Ittihad’s social media platforms. 15% 35%
Continuous communication and providing the center with the latest training programs and activities.
Discount on participation fees in exhibitions and events organized by the Union. 10% 25%

Membership application procedures:

Register for membership through the educational platform through the following link. click here
Required Documents:
1. A copy of (registration/ announcement /decision/license):
The center must be officially registered in accordance with the system of the country in which it operates, and be present on the ground and registered with it title and logo.
2. Center profile:
It includes the main data and detailed data, and includes the center’s activities, the services it provides, the center’s biography, the training fields, and what distinguishes the training center.
3. Pictures of the center (outside the center - inside the center):
Pictures of the training halls and offices, an external picture of the training center, and pictures of the computer laboratory if you wish to obtain accreditation for an examination center.
4. A sample of the training certificate in PDF format.
5. The center s logo in png, pdf or jpg format Attached is the logo usage charter, which must be clearly published on the website.
6. Submit a request to accredit a training center on the platform.

Registration types:
By registering with the Union, the type of registration is determined according to the availability of the following elements:
Element Standard Professional
Number of departments 2 4
Number of permanent employees 1 5
Total training capacity 15 50
Number of training rooms 2 6
Total area 150 m2 250 m2
Training center accreditation fees:
Accreditation Fees
Accreditation of the training center Free
Issuing an accredited training center certificate (one-time) 50$
Create a trainer page on the platform Free
Trainer accreditation fees Free
Issuing a certified trainer certificate 28$
Fees for creating the trainer’s page on the platform Free
Approval of a training package Free
Issuing a training bag approval certificate (one time for each bag 28$
Download approved courses on the educational platform Free
Adding the exam for the trainer’s approved courses on the platform Free
Providing a final exam for participants in approved trainer courses 20$
Issuing an internationally accredited and verified course certificate through the certificate verification website 28$
Issuing an internationally accredited and verified training activity certificate through the certificate verification website 28$
Download a recorded course online on the educational platform Free

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