International House,24 Holborn Viaduct, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 2BN

About us

Home Goals
Improving the image of the press and media sector to enhance the role of the media in the democratic construction phase.
Guaranteeing the freedom of the press and media to carry out their mission to build a conscious media whose weapon is truth.
Contributing to the continuous training and qualification of journalists and media professionals and constantly guiding them on professional ethics to develop media and journalistic work.
Creating job opportunities for unemployed journalists and media professionals commensurate with their skills.
Protecting the professional rights of journalists and media professionals and providing them with cultural and social services.
Participation with press unions and media institutions to advance the profession of journalism and media.
Holding conferences, seminars and workshops to advance and develop the journalism profession.
Work to adhere to professional traditions and principles of practicing journalistic and media work.
Resolving professional-related disputes that arise between journalists, media professionals, bodies, institutions, and press houses.
Strengthening ties and cooperation between journalists and media professionals in all countries of the world.
Promoting the free flow of information and open dialogue between journalists and media professionals on various issues.
Strengthening ties and developing cooperation with all press and media unions and similar international organizations in all countries of the world.
Defending journalists and media professionals if they are subjected to any abuse related to their opinions and journalistic activities.

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