International House,24 Holborn Viaduct, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 2BN
The union allows institutions and individuals wishing to benefit from the benefits of using its logo the right to use the logo according to certain procedures.
Logo Ownership:

This logo was designed and created by the Global Union of Journalists and Media Professionals, and the Union reserves the exclusive rights to modify or reproduce it. Accordingly, a commitment must be made to using the original approved design and it is prohibited to modify it in any way. It is also prohibited to use the logo without obtaining approval from the Union’s administration to use it, after All necessary requirements must be met, and the Federation has the right to sue any party that uses the logo without prior approval.

Logo design:
Care must be taken to use the design with high precision to ensure that its quality and original appearance are maintained.
Use of logo:

The Global Union of Journalists and Media Professionals allows the use of its logo only to those who have the approval of the Union’s administration to use it, including agencies, unions, federations, and individuals, within the following paths:

  • Publications (news - reports - documentaries - studies - research)
  • Certificates and cards.
  • Presentations
  • Marketing posters.
  • TV commercials.
  • Seminars, conferences, press and media events.

-The Union provides educational institutions in the field of journalism and media with its services in issuing certificates to participants in their educational activities bearing the Union’s logo, internationally certified and verified through the certificate verification website, at a cost of $27.
*Issuing a final exam pass certificate to participants, internationally accredited and verified through the certificate verification website.
*Issuing an internationally accredited and verified certificate of attendance through the certificate verification website.
*Issuing an internationally accredited and verified educational activity certificate through the certificate verification website

Usage restrictions:
🗶 The logo must be used with caution and in accordance with the specific restrictions for use.
🗶 The logo remains preserved and protected as a registered trademark of the Union.
🗶 No one may use the logo in any way without official permission from the Union.
🗶 Avoid using the logo in ways that distort, change colors, or manipulate the fonts used.
🗶 The logo may only be used within the channels specified by the Union.
🗶 The logo may only be used in a legible and highly accurate manner.
🗶 In the event that the Union’s accreditation of the entity is revoked, this entity must stop using the logo under any circumstances.
🗶 The Union logo can be uniformly reduced or enlarged, but its height must not be less than ××× pixels and its width must not be less than ××× pixels.
🗶 The logo may not be used in a way that suggests that the Union has endorsed or approved a member's activities, or in any other manner that could be misleading.
Service request:
To request the service of using the Union’s logo, please contact the following email:

Copyright ©2023 GLOBAL UNION OF JOURNALISTS & MEDIA PEOPLE LTD All rights reserved.

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