International House,24 Holborn Viaduct, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 2BN

Accreditation of trainers

Types of accreditations:
-Certified Associate Trainer
-Certified Practitioner Trainer
-Certified professional trainer
-Certified expert trainer
-Certified consultant trainer
Advantages of accreditation:
• Exam fees: Standard for all courses approved by the educational platform, only $ 30
• Course Registration: Marketing approved courses to the trainer and registering for them through the educational platform.
• Recruiting trainees: by announcing courses and registering for them through the platform and social media sites.
• Issuing certificates: Free fees for issuing internationally accredited certificates to participants in approved courses, and final exams are issued on the platform.
• Achieving international quality standards: through electronic verification on the Federation’s website and around the world, starting with an accredited training bag, an accredited trainer, and an accredited training institution, issued according to an accredited examination.
• Documenting the trainers’ accreditation: Through their own pages on the educational platform, they can control their content and confirm the names of the trainers approved for the certificates.
• Horizons of cooperation and communication: Communication and cooperation with accredited training institutions to add quality to their training courses.
• Intellectual property protection: Accreditation provides the trainer and his training bags with intellectual protection by documenting and verifying the certificate internationally using the Federation’s logo and the educational platform.
Accredited Trainer Profile:
 Personal Profile: The trainer can fully control his personal profile and add his CV, including contact information for the electronic trainer.
 Coach badge: The coach receives a certified coach badge and the certified trainers logo.
 Accreditation details: The trainer page includes details of the trainer’s accreditation, accreditation certificate, and approved training courses.
 Course dates: The trainer can add the dates and locations of his upcoming courses to appear on his page and on the upcoming courses page on the educational platform.
 Trainer evaluation: The page includes the trainer’s evaluation by the participants in his courses, which increases his chances of training.
 Biography: The trainer can share his page, which includes his electronic CV, when announcing his courses.
Trainer accreditation procedures:
1. Register on the educational platform to obtain a trainer account on the platform and be able to enter the platform and benefit from its advantages.
2. Submit an accreditation application accompanied by the requirements for accrediting a trainer to determine his or her designation.
3. Request for accreditation of a training package accompanied by the requirements for accreditation of a trainer.
4. Issuing certificates to trainees participating in the trainer’s courses, completing attendance, and applying for the international exam on the platform.
Trainer accreditation fees:
Accreditation Fees
Trainer accreditation Free
Issuing a certified trainer certificate 28$
Issuing a certified trainer card 28$
Create a trainer page on the platform Free
Approval of a training package Free
Issuing a training bag approval certificate(one time for each bag) 28$
Download approved courses on the educational platform Free
Adding the exam for the trainer’s approved courses on the platform Free
Providing a final exam for participants in approved trainer courses 20$
Issuing an internationally accredited and verified course certificate through the certificate verification website 28$
PIssuing an internationally accredited and verified training activity certificate through the certificate verification website 28$
Download a recorded course online on the educational platform Free

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