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Home Higher Education Programs Digital content industry


Professional doctorate

Program Hours 72
Attendance Online
Program Duration Duration of program is three years. this program runs for four trimesters in the first two years. In the four trimesters, students will take three (3) courses per trimester (at least) or 10 credits. In the 3th year, students shall proceed for a research thesis in 24 credits
Requirements - Attending courses by 100% of credits
-Reading references 100%
-Passing the platform exam with a score of not less than 70%
- Submitting a research thesis within one of the program fields.
  1. Ethics and the Charter for Intellectual Property Protection in Digital Media. (3 credits)
  2. Strategy for managing digital content platforms. (2 credits)
  3. Information security. (3 credits)
  4. Media psychology methods. (2 credits)
  5. Entrepreneurship for the digital content industry. (3 credits)
  6. Journalistic and media practice in creating digital content. (3 credits)
  7. Contemporary issues in the effects of digital content globally. (3 credits)
  8. Society and digital content creation. (3 credits)
  9. Crisis management via digital content platforms. (3 credits)
Program cost 450$
Applying From here


Professional Master

Program Hours 36
Attendance Online
Program Duration Duration of program is two years. It runs for four trimesters. In the first three trimesters, students will take three (3) courses per trimester (at least) or 9 credits. In the 4th trimester, students shall proceed for a research project by 9 credits
Requirements - Attending courses by 100% of credits
-Reading references by 100%
-Passing the platform exam with a score of not less than 70%
- Submitting a research project within one of the program fields.
  1. A reading of contemporary media law. (3 credit hours)
  2. Basics of digital content creation. (3 credit hours)
  3. Creative and narrative content. (3 credit hours)
  4. Promotion via smartphone and video platforms (YouTube - Tik Tok - Facebook - Instagram). (3 credits)
  5. Photography for digital media products. (2 credits)
  6. Broadcast equipment, recording and editing operations. (3 credits)
  7. Managing digital content platforms. (3 credits)
  8. Use of multimedia. (3 credits)
  9. Podcasts and digital content creators. (3 credits)
Program cost 350$
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Professional Diploma

Program Hours 24
Attendance Online
Program Duration Duration of program is one year. it runs for two trimesters. In each trimester, students will take five (5) courses per trimester (at least) or 12 credits.
Requirements -Attending courses by 100% of credits
-Reading references by 100%
-Passing the platform exam with a score of not less than 70%
  1. Introduction to digital content creation. (2 credits)
  2. Communication and media relations skills for content creators. (2 credits)
  3. For whom do we write digital content? (2 credits)
  4. Interactive publishing via websites and social media. (3 credits).
  5. Computer application programs. (2 credits)
  6. Presentation skills. (2 credits)
  7. Stories and graphic novels. (4 credits)
  8. Principles in marketing and promotion via digital platforms. (3 credits)
  9. Introducing the tools used in creating digital content. (3 credits)
Program cost 250$
Applying From here

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