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Citizen journalism

Citizen journalism or participatory journalism is a concept that refers to the participation of non-professional individuals in the media process and news production.
The main goal of this type of journalism is to enable citizens to participate in informing society and disseminating important information and news about local and global issues.
Citizen journalism is a recent development of technology and social media, as digital tools and the Internet enable individuals to document, comment on, and publish events easily and instantly.
Citizen journalism comes with many advantages. It allows ordinary individuals to report news from new angles and personal perspectives, which enriches public discourse and enhances the diversity of available information. It also contributes to increasing transparency and society's participation in the democratic process.
However, there are some challenges facing citizen journalism, such as the difficulty of verifying the authenticity of published information and the spread of fake news. In addition, there are few controls and professional guidelines regulating this type of journalism, which may lead to confusion in the distribution of information.
Citizen journalists must have a set of skills and abilities to succeed in this field. Among these skills are the ability to collect and verify information, communicate well, and interact with others. Moreover, journalistic ethics are important to maintain the objectivity and credibility of published information.
Citizen journalists must have a set of skills and abilities to succeed in this field. Among these skills are the ability to collect and verify information, communicate well, and interact with others. Moreover, journalistic ethics are important to maintain the objectivity and credibility of published information.
Given the importance and huge impact of citizen journalism, it is important that we invest in enhancing media education and providing relevant training courses. Open debate and dialogue on issues of journalism and the role of citizens in informing society should also be encouraged.
In short, citizen journalism is an important development in the field of media and represents an opportunity for individuals to participate in news making and reporting

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