International House,24 Holborn Viaduct, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 2BN

In support of the Union’s goals and objectives in strengthening ties and cooperation between journalists and media professionals in all countries of the world, promoting the free flow of information and open dialogue between journalists and media professionals on various issues, and strengthening ties and developing cooperation with all press and media unions and similar international organizations in all countries of the world. The Union has developed an annual plan to organize and hold conferences and events and host media figures, individual journalists, agencies, and those interested in the field of journalism and media to introduce the Union and its activities, out of its belief that effective discussion among its members builds a bridge to communicate their ideas to the world. The Union will hold several events and forums that address the most important issues that the Union has had an impact on highlighting globally through its news and media platforms. The agenda of events and forums will include clear and comprehensive details for: 'Name of the event - date - place - objectives - target groups - submission mechanism - sponsorship – fees’.

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