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Jamal Al Hashemi


The use of weapons by police officers for personal protection

In a meeting of the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals in the Algerian National People’s Assembly, the Algerian Minister of Justice addressed the issue of self-defense and the legal rights currently permitted in Algeria, as the article recognizing the right to self-defense has not entered into force, even though there is no effective legal text that allows the use of weapons by Security to intervene, brutally solve and fight crime. In this regard, the representatives of the National People’s Assembly presented a decision to amend the text of the article of the Penal Code for self-defense in the event of imminent danger to security personnel.
What are the reactions regarding this amendment, which has sparked ongoing controversy among its traders, between supporters and opponents?

The police are responsible for maintaining security and public order in major cities and urban areas, in addition to ensuring the protection of people and property, as well as investigating crimes and arresting perpetrators. The police also perform other routine tasks such as monitoring traffic.
The Algerian police force falls under the command of the General Directorate of National Security, abbreviated DGSN, under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior. It was created by decree of July 22, 1962, to succeed the General Directorate of the French National Police shortly after Algeria’s independence from France.
The decision to activate Article 149 of the Penal Code caused controversy due to the proposal to amend the law to allow the police to use weapons to put an end to crime if necessary, prevent random attacks, and put an end to crime. Because of the effects of this amendment, those discussing this decision were divided between supporters and opponents. Officials in the justice sector and experts stated that this law came to equalize the benefit of the self-defense law for security personnel and citizens alike due to the widespread spread of crime in many neighborhoods and cities, and this decision also follows it. Also another matter is documenting crimes with what is called bodycam technology. The government is preparing to use body cameras to monitor and document crimes and monitor violations against police officers in order to preserve rights. The Minister acknowledged the necessity of using weapons during intervention and field operations for personal protection and the ability to defend themselves for police officers, and that the pistol is only used for warning and does not constitute It poses a threat to detainees or detainees, but rather limits the recklessness of people who commit a misdemeanor or violation. The decision to activate this article is due to the reason for the large number of crimes and the spread of the phenomenon of violence. This is not limited to some small areas and neighborhoods only, but has spread throughout the countries and regions of the country, and the current security situation has become calling for its activation. The text of the article is as seen by the supporters of this decision, while some opposed this decision, as they do not see the need for the police to use weapons during raids and arrests, because this matter will widen the gap in the trust factor between the police, that is, the state, and the people.
Security is one of the important and necessary matters in any country. It does not know stability and calm. If the security factor is absent in it, it is a necessary matter that indicates the compatibility of the relationship between the state and the people and is an indication of the good leadership and management of the government. Therefore, the state must be patient and wise during the outbreak of conflicts and skirmishes between the people and the state. As well as activating logic and future reading of what the situation will lead to in the future and taking into account every big and small thing in which the state intervenes to resolve a conflict, the one who caused it is the citizen. On the other hand, citizens must have a spirit of patriotism and not be led by rumors of false news that will make them lose confidence in the state and accordingly. Commitment to his duties and respect for the existing laws in the state. Such matters are what help in building relationships, improving the living conditions of citizens, advancing the state to what is better, achieving a safe life, and governing its principle of democracy.

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