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Important Announcement from the Global Union of Journalists and Media People - Commitment to Journalistic Neutrality

In a step that expresses the commitment of the Global Union of Journalists and Media People to objectivity and neutrality in reporting news, the Union announces its heartfelt apology to its audience for publishing non-objective news on its iunews website as a result of a technical error without referring to the concerned in the website’s management. Such news, which expresses the opinions of its owner without distinguishing between facts and opinions, represents a violation of the ethical journalism rules adopted by the Union.

The Union emphasizes that the role of the press should be to provide information objectively and accurately, without coloring or bias. The public relies on the press to obtain accurate and objective information to understand events and make sound decisions.

This step comes as part of the Union’s efforts to maintain quality and credibility standards in the field of journalism and media, and to emphasize the importance of adhering to the highest standards of professionalism. The Union pledges to take the necessary measures to avoid repeating such mistakes in the future, and to enhance its position as a reliable source of information.

 Ultimately, the Global Union of Journalists and Media People seeks to promote the values ​​of neutrality and objectivity in the process of reporting news, and this apology is an important step in that direction.

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